Other Universities Distance Education Courses/ Part time Courses

Bharathiar University
Madras university
Tamilndu open university
Alagappa university
  • Ms S. SangeethaPriya BS AFD (2007 – 2010)


    MFT provides full assistance for placing the students after the due completion of courses. ...


  • Mr. Tredian BS AFD (2009 – 2012)


    I am in the alumni of 2011; excellent courses and teaching methodologies, ambiance is awes ...


Other Universities Distance Education Courses/ Part time Courses

Spot Admission

The Prospectus and Application forms can be obtained in person from MFT by submitting DD. Original and attested copies of eligible certificates (original certificates will be returned immediately after verification).

Submission of Application Form

The completed application form in all respects should be sent to

Madras Institute of Fashion Technology (MFT)

#16A, Shastri Nagar, off 100 feet road,


Chennai – 600 026.

Mentioning ‘MFT Admission Form’ on the top of the cover.


Before filling the application, read the Prospectus carefully. Preserve the Prospectus till the completion of the course.

  • The application has to be detached and filled in this order
    • Application Form
    • Computer Coding Sheet
    • Address Slip.
  • The Application must be accompanied by all the original certificates as stated in the prospectus and the registration fee.
  • The Application has to state clearly the course which he / she want to study.
  • Photographs to be affixed
    • One on the Application Form
      (Attested by a Gazette Officer / Faculty / Officials of the University with Seal).
    • One on the Address slip.
    • One on the reverse side of the Coding sheet.
  • The copies of the required documents should be submitted at the time of applying and the original document should be submitted at the time of admission for verification.
  • If there is any discrepancy between the information furnished in the application form and in the supporting documents, such application will be summarily rejected.
  • Choice of Program once exercised will be final and no request for change will be entertained.
  • The final eligibility of the candidates will be checked at the time of admission. If the checking of the final eligibility is pending, the admission will remain provisional and shall be cancelled if the candidate is found to be ineligible in any respect and also reserves the right to cancel the admission at any time.
  • The candidates are advised to join the course within seven day of commencement of the course failing which their admission will stand cancelled without any intimation and the tuition fee paid shall be forfeited. The vacant seat shall be offered to the wait listed candidates in the order of merit.
  • The university and MFT reserves the right to amend, change or cancel course including date of commencement, number of seats location syllabus fee structure or any matter reported in this prospectus with no liability attached to institution.

Last dates

Admission forms along with demand draft and supporting documents should be submitted to the admission office on or before the last date given in the advertisement. The admission to the Program may also be closed earlier than the above deadline, depending on the availability of the students.